Updates from Council Meeting – April 9, 2018

There was one long debate about the Water Park and I will report on that on Tuesday, April 10 but there were also a number of other items that may be of interest.  Since it was a regular Council meeting and not a Committee of the Whole, any decisions were final and at the end of the meeting, Councillors made their Coordinator reports.  The “long debate” was contentious but all the other items were approved with very little debate. There were several by-Laws passed for developments plus three motions were approved – including a go-ahead for the Cultural Master Plan. Despite a presentation by Keith Oliver supporting the idea of a Town slogan that promoted Heritage, the existing slogan was approved since Councillors felt that any change needed an extensive marketing study and public input.

Council decisions and Information

Keith Oliver - file-photo
Keith Oliver – file-photo

Click the links to get more info about that item

  • The Boundary sign was approved with the slogan changed to “Cobourg: The Feel Good Town”  [Correction: Ontario’s Feel Good Town]
  • Approval was given to Bylaws to proceed with the Subdivision on the West End of King and the Sobeys expansion
  • Rob Franklin confirmed that Sobeys has no time frame for their project and that there is no “end date” for the By-Law.
  • A bylaw to approve the VanDyke expansion west of the Canadian Tire store was passed
  • A motion was passed to proceed with the Cultural Master plan by hiring a consultant and appointing a steering committee.
  • A motion was passed to declare the Country Wild Music Festival as having Municipal significance.  Since this is a for-profit event, this motion was required to allow the Festival to be given a liquor licence. (See the Cobourg Internet Calendar –  June 2nd)
  • It was approved that John Lee should get some CIP money.
  • Mayor Gil Brocanier said that he had met with Thomas Fairfull of FV Pharma (Marijuana facility) and was told that they are on track to employ 200 people this year and are inundated with resumes. Apparently the factory will not be producing marijuana for smoking – the product will be oils.
  • Aaron Burchat said that the OMB has changed its name to the “Local Planning Appeal Tribunal”.  According to a CBC report, the LPAT will now answer a simple “yes or no” legal test — does the proposal follow the city’s official planning rules?  Previously it ruled on what it believed to be the “best” planning outcome.
  • Suzanne Séguin said that the Northumberland Players won 5 awards in the recent regional competition
  • Cobourg’s Farmer’s Market will move to Rotary Park from its current location behind Victoria Hall. One exception is when the Rotary tent occupies that space for the Waterfront Festival – it will then revert to the old location.
  • Director of Works Barry Thrasher will retire at the end of April.  Deputy Director Laurie Wills is being promoted to replace him and a new hire will be Deputy Director: Terry Hoekstra (I hope his name is spelled right!)

Hopefully everyone watching the meeting at home got sound this time.  Last week, You-Tube failed to provide sound.

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Suzanne Séguin
6 years ago

Good Morning John, The motion for the 401 sign that was accepted stated that the slogan was, “Ontario’s Feel Good Town”. Thanks.

Old Sailor
6 years ago

That is quite an agenda Council dealt with yesterday. A lot of positive outcomes.

A tip of the hat to Barry Thrasher who is stepping down as Director of Works. He was a huge contributor to Cobourg’s benefit as the Director of Works.